Hello Travelers. After loooooong time of waiting and wondering what happend to Wiglington Home, we present you our latest project… A NEW WIGLINGTON HOME BLOG! It’s called http://wiglingtonhome.co.cc. It includes a cool new theme, New Guides, New Widgets and many more Stuff coming in the near future! Be sure to head on to http://wiglingtonhome.co.cc and read the latest news from WW! 😀

Great news! The WW official blog is now accepting fan art from us! Just recently Aldric asked me for my designs! XD

If u want ur fan art on the official blog for all to see then e-mail ur fan art to: cedric@wiglingtonandwenks.com! Can’t wait to see everyones awesome fan art!

Also Buffalo Bill has just printed a wanted poster of the so-called Count!

~The Mighty Impulse!

Hello Guys. Wiglington Home is experiencing some busy moments on a New Wiglington Home project that will be released very soon. That means Wiglington Home will be updated little slower, so don’t worry. Wiglington Home will be back to normal soon. Now for the news:

More Perks for WW Contest Winners

Wiglington and Wenks announced that the winners of Wiglington and Wenks official contests will get more perks. Here are the perks:

Best WW Blog
The winning Blogs will be advertised on WW Times under “Helpful Blogs” Category for 2 months.
Best WW Advertisement
Winning video entries will be featured in the Cinema for 2 months.
Funny Pets Contest
There will be three WIKI items (one for each entry) that’ll have each winning entry as the wiki description. It’s time for you and your pet to be Wiki Items!
Best WW Twitter Account
There will be three simple banners (one for each winning Twitter account) and they will be advertised on WW Times for 2 months.

For more details of the contests and how to join them visit Official WW Contest Site.

Count Cannaregio Spotted

Some guys on WW spotted Count Cannaregio online on WW. But he’s not like he suppose to be. He’s wearing white t-shirt, red shorts and his pink shoes! This is deffinetly not the tall Count we know. But who knows, maybe it’s the real Count Cannaregio!

Stay Tuned for more info~



Wiglington and Wenks Released the first series of accessories! It’s a set of cool helmets! There’re 3 types of helmets released:

  1. Bucket Helmets, 7 colors, 5000-6000 rollars.
  2. Pegasus Helmets, 7 colors, 1000-1250 credits.
  3. Vikings Helmets, 7 colors, 750-1000 credits.

You can find these helmets in Wiglington Town, De Style Shop. Also WW announced that in the next few weeks they’ll release Capes, Jeans, Party Face Masks, Sunglasses, T-shirts and many more! So be sure to stay tuned to Wiglington Home to know when the new accessories are released!


“I want your blood!”

Check this out! The stylish vampire cape! (I think the lion looks more vampire-like but the cape begs to differ! XP)

~The Mighty Impulse

This might be a cape coming with those helmets we posted before! This confirms that a new location is coming soon!


According to the “Desk of Aldric Chang”, Sedo Dog is coming to WW soon (But how long is soon?)

Looks like there having a meeting about it! :O

Stay on your toes adventurers! Superdogs coming soon!

~The Mighty Impulse!!

Hello Travelers. The Chinese New year ended and the decorations were removed from Wiglington town. Sounds sad? Maybe… But that brought us some very cool news! Few new rooms were added to Singapore! One of them is the pet park I’ve posted before! If you want to go to the pet park go to Esplanade, Mega Costumes and take a walk to Orchard road.

After you enter the room you will see a big pet park that’s perfect to host parties and hang our with your pets or friends!

But that’s not all! Take a path to the right and you will end up at the the “World’s Biggest pet store”!

Wow! Cool decorations, awesome design and fantastic graphics!

Everything what perfect Pet shop needs!

So be sure to check out the awesome pet shop with all the pets around the world and hang our with your buddies and pets on the pet park! Stay Tuned to Wiglington Home for more news!


Wiglington and Wenks have a new staff member! Yes, she was a normal user from beta until this day. She has displayed a tremendous amount of interest and commitment in Wiglington and Wenks.  It’s no other then our beloved party master Jen!

Jen is 20 years old. She will do a great decisions as a mod. WW Staff decided that she will perfectly fit in the team! So let’s give a warm welcome to our newest Super Moderator Jen!


Aldric revealed another sneak peek for us! It’s more locations for the Magical Tree (Upcoming member-only location). Here’re the pictures of the rooms.

This room have many pet decorations. So that will be a good a room to hang out with your pets!

We can  see a door to the Party Masters Hall. Also we can see the enterance to “Features & Gadgets”. It means that there will be a feature and Gadget store!

So that’s all for today! Stay tuned for more news and sneak peeks!


A new item is spotted! It’s the white ninja suit! White ninja suit is the first new ninja suit after the beta. You can find it at the Mega Clothing Shop in Singapore. It’s only for members, 2000 credits.

And no, this is not the ninja suit from beta. There was a smiliar suit in the beta, but it was light grey. So good news for members! Go and buy this fantastic ninja suit and join the ninja gang!
